Saturday, December 8, 2012

S5 - First 8 Recap - BB

Breaking Bad - Season 5 - First 8 Season Recap

This was a very difficult task. Take a TV show u care about and do weekly recaps.

Will I do this for the last 8? Maybe

Was I any good at it? Not really

Do people do this for a living? Yes

The last question is the problem with this idea of doing recaps. Sepinwall, Ryan, Daily Beast, Vulture, EW,  & Uproxx are all very good recaps & are expected to have it up and ready by Monday morning. On the other hand, my recaps have no time expectations. If I read theirs then we might share the same thoughts. At that point because their thought was published first, my thought becomes unoriginal. I'm good with all of that.  That is why my recaps take a little longer and may run together at times. I am doing this for you the reader. Take it for what you want. It's not for everyone. However, you have to know what's going on. 

Disclaimer Over - So #jewfrollowers , have my recaps been original? If you enjoy them, please let me know in the comments. That would help me decide if I were to do them next Summer for the Final 8 episodes. 

Breaking Bad's Final 8 episodes should be a wild ride. This show is trying to top The Wire or The Sopranos as the best produce TV show post 2001.

The first 8 of the final season was a huge bust!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of these Final 8, there are only 3 worth discussing in the season recap.

Live Free or Die
The "Lost" style Flash Forward with Walt celebrating his 52nd BDay at a random Denny's diner. He meets a guy to buy a large gun. The guy was familiar looking. Hmm..

Dead Freight
Some of the recappers loathed this episode, some liked it. I loved this episode!! It might be my favorite episode in the entire series. It was an instant classic. It had great theater and an unexpected outcome. Robbing a train to make Meth. Classic...

Gliding Over All
The episode where the shit hit the fan. Not sure I buy the last scene. However, Hank was going to find out that "Walt = Heizenberg" , I guess the how is not very important. They needed a cliff hanger for the first eight, so this was the logical leaving point. However, finishing Boardwalk S3, Terence Winter says cliffhangers are a weak way out. Take that BB!! Take that Walking Dead! Take that AMC!

Lydia was a very interesting character. At first, I thought she was dog shit. Then I re-watched a few episodes to better prepare for this recap and she began to grow on me.

The other cliffhanger is Jesse.The last scene between Walt and Jesse was really intense and may lead to Jesse turning on his former partner. Obviously, Hank is going to suspect Jesse as the one who got Walt into the Meth business and may know more about Walt's empire. Jesse is too big of a character to just ride into the sunset. 

I believe that these first 8 episodes of Season 5 is the low point of the show. Breaking Bad has had a run of 3 excellent summers. However, as 2012 ends, I can see Breaking Bad's final 8 episodes in the near future.  I am looking forward to Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Downton Abbey Season 3 and Southwoodland before Breaking Bad returns from a "NOT NEEDED" break.   

Crap I didn't care about in S5-First 8-BB...
- Skyler's craziness
- Mike's death (yea, he was a character on the show, but he was no Gus)
- Beneke! Again!

Things I would like to see more...
- Gomez's role in the DEA
- Walt Jr's social life - (couldn't hire some teen age dudes and do a few scenes?)
- More Saul
- More Junk Yard owner

The Last 8 Questions of Episodes 40-48

Do you agree that its BULLSHIT what AMC has done by breaking up the last season of the show into a 2 year 16 episode run?
Is everyone going to die?
If not, who survives?
Does Gilligan know how its going to end when he finished "Gliding Over All"?
Did you buy the scene with Hank on the John?
How will these first 8 be viewed down the road?
Will Walt sleep with another women besides Skyler before he dies?
Does Breaking Bad have enough momentum to finish on top?

Thank you for reading. 

Until Next Time #Jewfromovement ...


Update 8/2/2013

Here it is.. 

The Final 8 episodes of Breaking Bad..

1 week away.... 

Some quick predictions:

Jesse - dead
Todd - dead 
Skyler - lives
Maria - lives 
Lydia - lives 
Gomez - lives 
Walt Jr - dies 
Hank - (hardest call) lives 
Walt's daughter - dead

The man has to lose everything that motivated him to start his crooked ways. Heisenberg will die, Walt will lose both his children & Skyler will go into witness protection. Only thing that makes sense in my head. Walt was/is going to die. That was the whole premise of the show.

IMO Breaking Bad will go out on top. They will not be able to top The Wire, but will end on a higher note then Lost & Sopranos. 

I will not be doing a weekly recap this year. Not enough time & I am still waiting for the first comment on this stupid blog. 

However, I will do a full breakdown of the final 8 & a series decomposition to discuss the results of what should be an incredibly exciting 8 weeks of television.

BTW, I will not watch Talking Bad unless they have me as a guest. 

Until next time #Jewfromovement ... 

Sent from my iPad

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